When you provide attendees with memorable keepsakes to commemorate the event, you solidify the connection between your brand and your audience.

Whether you’re organizing a kids’ soccer camp, a charity run, a music festival, or a business conference, offering onsite screen printing merch for attendees to take home extends your event’s brand value and increases its earning potential.

Onsite Screen Printing as a Supplementary Revenue Stream

The revenue generated by selling merchandise can significantly supplement the income generated from ticket sales alone.

In the 2016 Eventbrite Pulse Report Survey, 850 event organizers were asked what proportion of their overall event revenue comes from ticket sales alone. Less than 20% of event money was generated via ticket sales, according to most organizers, which may come as a surprise to most readers.

However, note that each event is unique, and the source of your income may vary accordingly. A music festival, for instance, is probably going to sell more t-shirts than a fintech conference.

Having said that, here are a few surefire strategies for promoting your personalized event merchandise and boosting sales:

Superior Quality Sells Itself

Your customers, fans, and event attendees will all want to know where they obtained their awesome t-shirt or hoodie (or phone case, coffee cup, backpack, or hat—the list is endless).

Ensure that your onsite screen printing merch is not low-quality junk, as consumers are more likely to spread sentiments about your brand through word-of-mouth. Before signing a contract with a manufacturer, supplier, or print-on-demand company, make sure you obtain samples of any products to check their quality.

Interact With Your Attendees or Followers

Make use of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertisements, print ads, social media, email lists, and your own content on websites, blogs, YouTube channels, and other platforms.

Get your items in front of people on a regular basis by using a variety of media, and encouraging conversation about them. This way, you can create a sense of desire for the products before the event itself.

Build Excitement Through Presales

Who wouldn’t want to be the first to get their hands on something fantastic and special on the first day of release, or to know that their personalized merchandise would be waiting for them at your event? The extra advantage of presales is that they let you determine the level of interest prior to placing a sizable purchase that might or might not be fulfilled.

Obtain Pictures and Videos of Your Audience Wearing Your Gear

By creating an incentive or holding a contest with prizes for sharing, you may make this more appealing and something people are more inclined to do. Social media contests are used by 96% of event planners, who view them as a useful tool for engaging their audience and generating interest.

An example of this is when Adidas asked HIT+RUN to activate an onsite screen printing station at six of their Flagship Stores across the US, on the same day. As an in-store campaign on October 24, 2015, HIT+RUN Crews from Los Angeles, Costa Mesa, Miami, Chicago, Paramus (NJ), and Adventura (FL) provided screen printing services on blank Adidas t-shirts.

When these incredible nuggets were shared on social media, our social media pages went crazy. The only way to obtain a highly sought-after t-shirt, like with all HIT+RUN events, is to attend in person. This promotes guest attendance & involvement.

Get Started Today

If you’re thinking about making personalized event merchandise for your upcoming event, get in touch with Hit+Run right now. We’ve created stylish, high-quality items for a variety of brands that their customers continue to use and wear long after the events have ended!

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