HIT+RUN is the world’s most prestigious live screen-printing experience. Attendees are involved in the screen-printing process on-site to produce one-of-a-kind pieces of wearable art. Live screen printing is always the center of attraction and enjoyment at hundreds of events throughout the world. With an indisputable cool factor and an engaging experience that will have the crowd buzzing for days, live screen printing takes any event to the next level.
Live screen-printing is a cutting-edge event innovation that introduces the century-old method of silkscreen printing to the public for the first time by HIT+RUN. We work with many companies, such as fashion brands, marketing agencies, and event planners, for live screen-printing services. Event planners and marketing firms have recognized the organic branding advantages that HIT+RUN offers at each event. Our clients can market their brand or products successfully when their guests wear their personalized creations all year, reminding them of their pleasant encounters with the company. Because of our innovative small equipment and trained team, we are adaptable and ready for every project.
What Does HIT+RUN Do?
We tailor our live screen-printing services to your specific branding requirements. We will be able to handle and prove outcomes regardless of how large or small your event is. We provide the following live screen-printing services:
• Design – We provide free professional design services according to your theme.
• T-shirts – These have become the modern-day canvas, and ours are works of art in their own right.
• Events – Youth seminars, bar mitzvahs, birthday parties, premieres, product launches, gifting suites, VIP lounges, concerts, festivals, conventions, and other events are available.
What Is the Mission of HIT+RUN?
Conventionally, screen printing was restricted to an industrial facility and kept out of sight of the general public. HIT+RUN permanently changed that in 2005, when we started our mission of putting screen printing into the public eye by holding events in Los Angeles bars, clubs, backyards, and residences. We invite guests to design their own personalized clothing in minutes, with each individual leaving with a one-of-a-kind present, as well as feeling empowered by the experience and a pleasant memory associated with the brand or client.
Why Choose HIT+RUN?
HIT+RUN is the go-to company for innovative on-site printing solutions. Our team has collaborated with many companies to organize their onsite executions in an efficient and planned manner. Knowing that we are a company trusted by many big-name clients gives you the confidence to have a team like HIT+RUN in the trenches with you, continually communicating with you and being proactive to any changes. We stick to our origins, love what we do, and make excellent partners. You can expect nothing short of spectacular when you work with us, from the pre-event meeting where we go over the specifics to the post-event follow-up.
If you have any questions about the products and services of HIT+RUN, feel free to contact us or call us at (877) 689-4271 today.