You’ve invested time, effort, and money into your event. But things don’t stop here. To attract potential attendees, you need to get the word out. With everyone looking at their phone these days, you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to reach your audience online. Learn how to promote your event online with these strategies.

Using Social Media Marketing

An average person spends about 2 hours 25 minutes each day on social media. That’s why social media marketing is an effective way to increase awareness of your event. First, you need to decide which platforms you want to target. These can include Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Leverage the power of hashtags – make it unique and relevant to your event and create conversations around it. Next, you also want to schedule a Facebook event to include important information about your event. When people know that friends are attending your event, they may be interested to find out more.

Don’t forget to share teasers on your event to create buzz and provide details such as your guests or event lineup. You can organize a giveaway to generate more hype and encourage others to share your event post in order to win.

Create Promotional Content

You need the right content to reach out to your audience online. Begin by doing a keyword search to see what your potential audience is searching for. Incorporate them in your blog content or headlines for a chance to improve your website ranking when people search for these terms. Compelling meta descriptions also help to drive people to click on the results, directing them to your event page. Don’t leave your social media content! Creating engaging content that your audience will enjoy while scrolling through their social media feed.

Use Email

Have a list of email subscribers to your website? These people are probably interested in what you have to offer and will click open that email from you. Emails are useful to generate awareness, here’s how you make use of this channel:
● Give your subscribers exclusive offers like an early bird discount
● Send information emails informing your subscribers about your upcoming event
● Remind people about the event and encourage registration
● Thank your audience for coming when the event is over

Involve Journalists and Bloggers

Find out journalists from online publications, newspapers, or relevant associations you want to be featured in. Contact them or drop them an email to pitch about your event. Although not everyone will get back to you, those who do may give you extensive coverage.

Do a search to see if there are any bloggers who regularly write content that is linked to your event. Ask if they can write about your event and give them a promo code they can offer their readers.

Online Ads

Social media and Google ads can effectively promote your event online. Here are ways it can help you:
● A/B testing: You can A/B test different copy, creatives, and videos so they will resonate with your audience
● Retargeting: People who see your ad might not register for your event immediately. You can use retargeting ads to remind them about your event
● Promote giveaways: Ads that promote giveaways will lead to more engagement and attract potential attendees

No matter what event you’re organizing, make it memorable for your attendees. HIT+RUN can help you with that. We provide your participants the unique experience of creating their own exclusive piece of wearable with live screen printing. Having made an appearance at countless events across the globe, we know how live screen printing creates a focal point of interest & excitement. Contact us to find out more.

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